In the midst of the noise, God is speaking to you:
an invitation to take a step deeper into his love & life.
We would be delighted to help you listen.
Finding God In the Wilderness
The geography of transformation
The pandemic has thrust us into a spiritual wilderness that threatens to close our hearts.
Or, we can learn to hear God’s invitation in and through the wounds.
Doubt, confusion, anger, impatience, despair become openings to love that can lead you deeper into God. The wilderness is a geography of transformation.
We offer you guidance to help you get your bearings in this sacred landscape.
In the wilderness we discover that prayer is not so much about our ability to get God’s attention as it is about God’s ability to get our attention.
Watch a video about the Invitation’s mission to the church through the prison.
We create safe spaces where you can listen to God in and through your weaknesses to:
Move beyond anxious, reckless, surface living
Learn from your failures
Know yourself & God more truly
Notice God everywhere
Find your own unique way of praying
Discover a conversational, reciprocal friendship with God
Cooperate freely with the Holy Spirit
Heal & become whole, a human being fully alive!
Become a healing presence for others
Your personal transformation matters to the wellbeing of society
The Invitation is a spirituality center that creates time & space for God at the vital intersection of contemplation & justice.
our Story
The Holy Spirit began forming our understanding of contemplation & justice in a prison where we have been facilitating contemplative prayer since 2014. The prison continues to be our defining sacred space where we learn to hear God in the wilderness.
[pictured left: Josh reunites with Latorious shortly after his release in 2021.]
“It’s not that I bring Jesus to the prison. I go to the prison to find Jesus who is already there, and I know him there among my incarcerated brothers in ways I don’t experience him elsewhere, even in the church. Everything I do with the Invitation is shaped by the prison.”
— Josh Banner, Invitation Founder & Director
listen & respond to God’s invitation
In our formation schools
of Prayer
A nine-month study and practice of the rule of life
Work out your faith in a listening community.
school of Contemplative
Continue your formation & be a healing presence for others.
Creating time & space for God for yourself.
Spiritual Direction
Creating time & space for God with and on behalf of another.
The holy space that defines God’s presence on the earth and dignifies those who seek him.
More on The Time & Space of Contemplation & Justice
humans are like carrots
We need space to grow
Carrots carrots grow best in a loose, fluffy, well-draining soil. Gardeners call this “fertile sandy loam.” If planted in tightly compacted, rocky soil with clods and debris, carrots growth will not only be stunted. They will become twisted, distorted knots.
Human beings also need ample space, the comfort of love, patience, and kindness to flourish.
We live in an increasingly polarized world that turns to physical and emotional violence to solve its problems. We lack wisdom to find another way, so we continue inflict pain upon each other and ourselves. The result is an oppressive society.
To “oppress” is to squeeze, weigh upon, confine, to press down. Oppression tramples on human dignity.
Contemplative spirituality and spiritual direction are practices of justice as they create the sacred space necessary for human flourishing and restore a person’s dignity.
The Invitation exists within the contemplative tradition — the quiet, gentle, and yet prophetic stream of Christianity that believes Jesus’ life and teachings demonstrate that there is always more love and hope available for everyone.
Contemplation and justice exist in the very nature of God.
“The Gospel is always bad news before it is good news.”
—Frederick Buechner
“Before the truth sets you free, it tends to make you miserable.”
—Fr Richard Rohr
“The basic fact is that Christianity as it was born in the mind of this Jewish teacher and thinker appears as a technique of survival for the oppressed.
Wherever his spirit appears, the oppressed gather fresh courage; for he announced the good news that fear, hypocrisy, and hatred, the three hounds of hell that track the trail of the disinherited, need have no dominion over them.”
— Dr. Howard Thurman