2019 Pastor's Contemplative Prayer Retreat Registration
February 11 8am - February 12 1:30pm
Camp Geneva, Holland, MI
Church leaders of any kind are invited to join us for the 3rd Annual Pastor's Contemplative Prayer Retreat. Unfortunately, Sharon Garlough Brown will not be joining us this year.
In Sharon’s absence—without a second spiritual director, we will be practicing small group spiritual direction sessions this year.
This is a guided, and mostly silent retreat. You will be offered group practices of teaching, discussion, and lectio divina. Ample time will be allowed for solitude and silence while also eating in silence. The teaching will be offered for the purpose of retreat. The content is not intended for your professional development, as more lofty ideals for you to attain to as a church leader. The content is instead for your nourishment and prayer to aid your rest, prayer, solitude, silence, and contemplation.
Our Monday evening session will be enneagramish, meaning we will consider what your particular spirituality type can mean for the type of contemplative practices you are uniquely created to practice. This session will draw some from Chris Heuertz’s book The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth.
Questions can be submitted to josh@invitationpodcast.org.