Invitation CENTER Website Feedback


1. Please set aside five minutes to look over Peruse the website’s content as you are able, as it is able to capture your attention and draw you in.
2. Use another five minutes to answer any or all of the questions below. If you happen to know anyone who might be interested specifically in spiritual direction, the School of Prayer, or the School of Contemplative listening, perhaps look at the website and offer your feedback considering how helpful it would be to those people?
3. Finally, please consider the fill question if and how I can contact you with any follow up conversation.


The Invitation became a nonprofit in 2017 and has since grown slowly but significantly. The first two cohorts of the School of Prayer were launched in 2019 as my DMin project comparing and contrasting the experiences of one cohort inside the prison and one outside. The scope of my project was a spirituality of confinement, how the prison is a kind of modern day desert. My thesis was that the prison offered particular advantages for the sake of spiritual formation. I intended to document tangible signs of growth within the prison cohort that outpaced the outside group.

Sadly, the pandemic ended my access to the prison cohort, however the substantial growth of the SOP in the two previous years has proven the discernment of my thesis accurate. This May of 2022 55 people have completed the SOP and five people have completed our first pilot year of the School of Contemplative Listening. The pandemic thrust the globe into its own kind of confinement. The spiritual wilderness of the pandemic has caused sixty people to discern that determined, practical devotion to God is essential to their well-being.


I hope to direct the Invitation with greater care and discipline in the years to come. Your help and support are invaluable. I certainly cannot do this alone!