SOP Testimonials 2020-2021
2019-2020 Andrew Mead, Co-Pastor of Church of the Servant in Grand Rapids Michigan shares from his experience of the eight month journey with the School of Prayer.
The Invitation School of Prayer 2021-2022
The Invitation School of Prayer is an eight month study and practice of a rule of life at the vital intersection of contemplation and justice. For the first four months, participants observe the same recommended rule while practicing group spiritual direction, reading and discussing important books, writing, and re-writing a unique, personal rule of life. In the second half of our journey, participants will be released to practice their own rules while continuing with the support of our communal disciplines.
Those who seek a life devoted to God have attempted various spiritual disciplines. Some may have even crafted something like a rule of life or what Dallas Willard calls a “curriculum of Christ-likeness.” Yet, most seeking devotion struggle to establish a consistent, daily, year in and year out life practice that leads to deeper transformation. Almost all of us fail at these intentions because we are practicing alone without the necessary encouragement and patience and forgiveness of a community.
A cohort of the School of Prayer can be made up of no less than six and no more than ten. In our third year of the SOP, 2021-2022, we are proposing three separate cohorts, two online distance learning groups, and one local cohort. The opening retreats for each cohort are at the end of August with a closing retreat in early May. Between the two retreats we will meet for a total of sixteen 2-2.5 hour sessions. From September to December participants will practice the rule outlined below. From January to May participants will practice their own personal rule.
Communal Rule of Life September through December
*15-20 minutes of daily prayer and Scripture meditation.
*Each week, Wednesday moderate fast of one medium meal, two small meals, no snacks, desserts, alcohol, or sweet drinks.
*An intentional reduction or elimination of access to social media, news, and entertainment (TV shows, movies, sports, etc).
*Journal writing.
*Weekly exercise.
*Seven hours of sleep each night.
*Moderation in uses of money.
*Individually discerned practice of Sabbath keeping.
*Some weekly form of service to church and/or community.
Rule of Life January to May:
To be discerned, written, and re-written by you.
During the entire nine months participants will be invited to:
*read the length of or equivalent to a 250-page book every two months
*write short, reflective, journal responses to be shared in group discussion,
*practice one 32-hour retreat in silence and solitude.
Bi-monthly 630-9pm EST meetings will include: Group spiritual direction, spiritual friendship (dyad) conversations, contemplative prayer practices, book discussion, and teaching. Each participant will be asked to prepare and deliver short presentations and to begin book discussions.
Calendar time frame: Participants will begin and end the nine-month journey in a Saturday, half-day retreat. Two monthly gatherings will meet on most of the first and third Monday nights of each month, September through May.
Possible Locations (final location TBD depending on who participates)
The Invitation studio/retreat space 23rdSt in Holland, MI
and/or Mars Hill Bible Church, Grandville, MI
Online/DL via zoom
Themes & topics:
Spirituality of Study
Sabbath Keeping
Spiritual Discipline
Lectio Divina
Contemplative Prayer
Spiritual Direction
Vigilance or Awareness
Prayer of Examen
Books to be prayed and studied:
The Cross and The Lynching Tree, James Cone
Into the Silent Land, Fr. Martin Laird
The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything, Fr. James Martin
Jesus and the Disinherited, Howard Thurman
Desert Fathers & Mothers: Early Christian Wisdom Sayings Annotated & Explained, Christine Valters Painter
Distance Cohort A
Opening Retreat: Aug 28
Aug 30,
Sept 13 & 27
Oct 11 & 25
Nov 8 & 29
Dec 13
Jan 3 & 17 & 31
Feb 14 & 28
March 14 & 28
April 11
Closing Retreat: April 30
Distance Cohort B
Opening Retreat: Aug 28
Sept 6 & 20
Oct 4 & 18
Nov 1 & 15
Dec 6 & 20
Jan 10 & 24
Feb 7 21
March 7 & 21
April 4 & 18
Closing Retreat: May 7
West Michigan Cohort
Opening Retreat: Aug 21
Sept 2 & 16
Sept 30
Oct 14 & 18
Nov 18
Dec 2 & 16
Jan 20
Feb 3 & 17
March 3 & 17 & 31
April 14 & 28
Closing Retreat: May 14
$450 for the base, eight-month journey whether in person or online.
$400 ‘early bird’ rate if you make a $100 deposit by June 14
+$75 if you plan to use the Invitation retreat space for your 32-hour retreat. Includes retreat design and one session of spiritual direction to open or close the retreat.
+$100 to add three, 50-minute sessions of spiritual direction if you don’t already have a spiritual director and would like to meet with Josh.
Fee includes:
*Access to the Invitation retreat space for one-hour time slots at any time between August and May. Available with two-days advance notice.
*Copies the individual chapter readings, handouts, some food offerings and tea on Monday nights.
Fee does not include:
*Food for the 32-hour retreat of solitude and silence in the Invitation retreat space or all the food for the half-day retreats. Participants are invited to bring food to any of the retreats or to our evening sessions.
How to get involved:Please send me an email expressing your interest. Include in your email why you discern this is a good time for you to enter into this journey. After receiving your email, I’ll schedule some one on one time with you to discern further and together if this is a good fit for you.
Peace of Christ,
Josh Banner
Email Josh
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