Rediscovering Belonging: Reflections on Contemplation, Justice, and Community No. 100

In this one hundredth episode…

I share the completion of my doctoral dissertation, reflecting on the impact of global and national issues on our well-being. Drawing inspiration from Willie James Jennings, I explore the concept of a new reality in belonging and its significance in our polarized world. As an introvert and Enneagram 4, I discuss the challenges of making video podcasts and the importance of feedback. I delve into themes of contemplation, justice, and our role in public theology, referencing Matthew 10:34-37 and Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl performance. As we approach Lent, I invite you to join me in deep soul formation and anti-racism work, aiming to create safe spaces for transformative conversations. Your feedback and support are invaluable on this journey.

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00:00 Introduction and Podcast Overview

00:28 Rediscovering the Podcast's Purpose

03:02 Invitation to Feedback and Reflection

04:10 Contemplation and Justice

05:19 Exploring a New Reality in Belonging

07:10 Creating Safe Spaces for Hard Conversations

09:55 Public Theology and Social Justice

12:01 Meditation on Matthew 10:34-37

14:09 Looking Ahead and Final Thoughts

Year End Giving! - A 2024 Update & Meditation on Creative, Maladjusted, Non-Conforming Faith No. 99

End of Year Reflections and Sacred Sayings: Navigating Spiritual CHALLENGE

In this episode discuss my journey with The Invitation, the challenges and goodness of 2024, especially as I finish my doctorate! To wrap up the year I share four sacred sayings that have helped me, a reading from Dr. King, Paul Kingsnorth, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and Howard Thurman. This update serves as a meditation exploring themes of justice, contemplative listening, and openness to the Holy Spirit.

We always solicit your prayer and friendship. If the Invitation has been a help to you and you have the means, you can support us with a year end gift here at this link!

With much love and gratitude for you!


A link to Paul Kingsnorth’s Erasmus Lecture.
To learn more about the School of Prayer.

00:00 Introduction and Year-End Reflections

04:09 Challenges and Personal Updates

06:49 Formation School and Collaborations

08:13 Contemplative Listening and Feminine Energy

14:05 Sayings and Reflections

32:11 Conclusion and Call to Action

Election Discernment 2024: A Cruciform Politics, to Love our Neighbors with Your Vote?

Politics as considering others as better than myself?

I was invited to speak at a political rally in the summer of 2020. I didn't have anything original to say at that time. So I memorized a bit of Dr King's writing from his collection of sermons, Strength to Love. All I felt led to do was to repeat these words three times.

The saving of our world from pending doom will come not from the complacent adjustment of the conforming majority but through the creative maladjustment of the nonconforming minority.

So, I'm trying a new thing this election cycle. I promise. I'm much less engaged of FB this time around than I was four years ago. But I have to find creative ways to express my creative maladjustment.

We are all exhausted by this election season. So much of me doesn't want to bother with any of this any more. Yet I continue to find ample amounts of love within, love for you, for my neighbors, for our country, for my wife and children.

So I made this video yesterday as a demonstration of this love. I posted a short edit last night and have received some helpful feedback from friends who feel embattled. I am grateful to be able to offer a hopeful perspective. Maybe the full length vid might help you too.

You are likely pretty beat up by all the pain and polarization, the culture wars. I don't want anyone to put themselves further in harm's way.

Yet, if you have any ounce of hope and strength, I encourage you to charitably, lovingly talk with some of your friends and family about your vote. Please do what you can in the next few days to engage each other.
It doesn't matter if you end up agreeing about policies. It does matter that we try to learn, live, and love each other with greater intention.

With great respect and affection,


From Victims to Witnesses - Forum on Spiritual Direction No. 98

Moving from victims to witness….

In this episode six members of the School of Contemplative Listening respond to our conviction that spiritual direction can solve (almost) all the world's problems. This is an episode in our onrunning Forum on Spiritual Direction series.

As we propose contemplative listening at the vital intersection of contemplation and justice, we are getting into the deeper terrain of existence. There are many reasons to fall into despair today. But if quiet ourselves and listen, we find that help and healing are not too far away. This is a movement from being victims to becoming witnesses.

This conversation has previously been between Josh Banner and Cami Beecroft Mann. We excited for you to receive the witness from others who have been studying and practicing spiritual direction!

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Opening song - "Wrestle" by Kristi Hepp from the album, In Between the Gardens available at…n-the-gardens

Our Deep Need for Listening - Forum on Spiritual Direction w/ Cami Beecroft Mann No. 97

We all need help. We can all offer each other help. Cami has taught me so much about these things!

This episode is a conversation Josh had with SOCL co-director, Cami Beecroft Mann in 2021. We consider this episode a prequel to the Forum on Spiritual Direction where Josh and Cami discuss the conviction that spiritual direction can solve (almost) all the world’s problems.

Download our free prayer guide, 40 Ways to Spend Five Minutes with God:

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On Becoming a Human Being Fully Alive - Makoto Fujimura No. 96

Josh talks with painter, author, arts advocate Makoto Fujimura about the connections between creativity and prayer. To introduce Makoto Josh offers a reflection on Makoto as a 'worldly mystic,' how he offers for us in his paintings and writings ways to rediscover our own sacred yet earthly existence.

The video referenced "Mako Fujimura's Golden Sea":

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Getting Honest with God & Belonging to Myself w/ Kristi Hepp No. 95

Josh talks with Kristi Hepp about her new record "In Between the Gardens." This is the third episode that maps Josh's history with Oklahoma City where Kristi originally hails from. The focus question of this episode is the focus question of Kristi's record, what is a human being fully alive? In this episode, we discuss whether we could make a record that Kristi would want to listen to. Can she belong to herself? Can she even enjoy the sound of her own voice singing her own songs? We discuss the necessary fear and pain that the Holy Spirit invites us to name, and how loving ourselves requires us to receive God's love. And how this means getting honest with God about our deepest questions, doubts, and even anger.

Please support and share Kristi's music:…n-the-gardens

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Be sure to purchase this new record!

Suffering & The Mystical Body of Christ w/ Charlie Hall No. 94

What do we do with suffering? Why would we want to cooperate with the pain? How can suffering be helpful?

There are many reasons to be concerned with the way organized religion handles these very vulnerable questions. In this episode, I talk with worship leader Charlie Hall, an old friend about these things. That we can engage such vulnerabilities after so much time--this bears witness to the mystical body of Christ that exists beyond time and space.

The prayer for this episode: that we might recover a deeper trust in God and other people, to be honest about our suffering, and not alone.

I visited Oklahoma City in December of 2017 to gain support during the launch of the Invitation as a not-for-profit. OKC had been a spiritual home for much of my early adulthood. This conversation with worship leader, Charlie Hall is the second of two conversations I recorded during that trip. As I review the previous conversation with Brock Bingaman (episode #94) and this one with Charlie, my heart is full of gratitude for the spiritual reality of the church.

All music by Josh Banner except the closing track, Mystery is by Charlie Hall from his album, 2008 record The Bright Sadness, Six Steps Records.

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The Jesus Prayer & the Philokalia w/ Brock Bingaman No. 93

Maybe breath prayer could be helpful for your Lenten journey this year?

This is a conversation I had with Brock Bingaman, pastor of All Saints Community Church in Oklahoma City, about the Jesus Prayer and a book he co-edited on the Philokalia. Brock is an old friend I was glad to reconnect with for this conversation.

Books recommended in this episode:

The Philokalia: A Classic Text of Orthodox Spirituality ed. Brock Bingaman and Bradley Nassif;

The Orthodox Way, Kalistos Ware;

Desert Fathers and Mothers: Early Christian Wisdom Sayings—Annotated & Explained, Christine Valters Paintner

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Screwing Around With Our Dependencies in Lent No. 92

This episode is a meditation on screwing with our dependencies in Lent.

In the language of the Twelve Steps of addiction recovery: we are powerless over our drug of choice, and our lives as we know them are unmanageable.

The purpose of Lent is to subvert our addictions that we might become more dependent upon the love of God. But we cannot do this easily. We cannot force our way toward healing and holiness. When we over-function and strive toward God, we set ourselves up for regression.

In this episode we turn to the wisdom of Thomas a’Kempis, that we “uproot just one vice per year.” This is to say we must make a plan for Lent that is gracefully approachable.

I encourage you to use the 40 Ways to Spend Five Minutes with God prayer guide for your Lenten practice.

Download a digital copy of the prayer guide
Download a’Kempis The Imitation of Christ chapter 11

Advent Meditations Pt VI Before God We Are Always Beginners No. 91

This is the conclusion of the six-part series of a six-part series of Advent meditations using the Invitation prayer guide, 40 Ways to Spend 5 Minutes with God. In this meditation, Josh reads from the end of the prayer guide a meditation on how before God we are always beginners.

This prayer guide, first written in 2015 has been substantially re-written with new prayer practices and Biblical rationale.

Download a digital copy of the prayer guide

Advent Meditations Pt V Longing & Expectation in the SOUL No. 90

Let's return to prayer, to longing and expectation in and through the soul during Advent.

In this meditation, Josh offers a short meditation of praying with the soul. We attended to our bodies in the previous episode. We are bodies. We are also souls. This is the fifth of a six-part series of Advent meditations using the Invitation prayer guide, 40 Ways to Spend 5 Minutes with God.

This prayer guide, first written in 2015 has been substantially re-written with new prayer practices and Biblical rationale.

Download a digital copy of the prayer guide

Advent Meditations Pt IV Longing & Expectation in our STRENGTH No. 89

Let's return to prayer, to longing and expectation in and through our bodies during Advent.

In this meditation, Josh offers a short meditation of praying with our strength, in and through our bodies. This is the second of a six-part series of Advent meditations using the Invitation prayer guide, 40 Ways to Spend 5 Minutes with God.

This prayer guide, first written in 2015 has been substantially re-written with new prayer practices and Biblical rationale.

Download a digital copy of the prayer guide

Advent Meditations Pt III Longing & Expectation in our Minds No. 88

Let's return to prayer, to longing and expectation in our minds during Advent.

In this meditation, Josh offers a short meditation of praying with the mind. This is the second of a six-part series of Advent meditations using the Invitation prayer guide, 40 Ways to Spend 5 Minutes with God.

This prayer guide, first written in 2015 has been substantially re-written with new prayer practices and Biblical rationale.

Download a digital copy of the prayer guide

Advent Meditations Pt II Longing & Expectation in our Hearts No. 87

Let's return to prayer, to longing and expectation in our hearts during Advent.

In this meditation, Josh offers a short meditation of praying with the heart. This is the second of a six-part series of Advent meditations using the Invitation prayer guide, 40 Ways to Spend 5 Minutes with God.

This prayer guide, first written in 2015 has been substantially re-written with new prayer practices and Biblical rationale.

Download a digital copy of the prayer guide

Advent 2023 Meditations with New Prayer Guide! No. 86

Let's return to prayer, to longing and expectation during Advent.

There are many reasons why we need to be saved. Some days it feels like we'll never be saved. Then I realize, Oh...I've forgotten my prayer, of course the world seems dark. 
Advent prayer is about turning to the light. In this meditation, I offer the first of a six-part series of Advent meditations using the Invitation prayer guide, 40 Ways to Spend 5 Minutes with God.

This prayer guide, first written in 2015 has been substantially re-written with new prayer practices and Biblical rationale.

Download a digital copy of the prayer guide

From Repentance to Reparations to Reconciliation to Repast w/ Greg Thompson Pt II No. 85

This is part II of a conversation that is very important to me, a conversation that I hope might become important to you too. Notice the last three episodes are with friends who are dear. Notice how vulnerability courses through these conversations. Below I’ve written a bit more about the connections between spiritual friendship, weakness and vulnerability.

It is good to have you on this journey. May you find deeper love and connection in and through your own weaknesses.


No. 85 Show Notes:

Josh and Greg explore Greg's discernment to divest his ordination, leave local church ministry to explore different creative approaches to healing racism. Previously Greg had described his mission in the three elements of the political, the contemplative, and the convivial. Here in part two Greg casts the vision of moving from repentance to reparations to reconciliation to repast.

Start at @17:00 to skip past the introduction directly to the conversation with Greg.

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“A Brief Review of Why Anyone Should Engage Vulnerability in Public”

A line in a sermon I preached a few times in 2015: “Come on inside for a nice hot cup of die to yourself.” I had asked the congregation to imagine if we placed such a phrase on the roadside marquee. I barely knew what I was talking about in that sermon. At least I knew enough to want to suggest the primary paradigm of following Jesus is cruciformity, our capacity to continue dying to ourselves.

I didn’t understand how much more suffering I was personally opening myself to. I think often about how one of my spiritual mothers described our journey in Christ as “holy agony.” The further I move into my awareness of God’s active presence in my life, the weaker I seem to become. Greater love and patience combined with earnest frailty.

One tangible feature of how I’m drinking the cup of “die to myself” is expressed in my inability to talk about much of anything without bearing witness to my weaknesses and failures. We live in a fraught, polarized world. How do I avoid contributing to the noise? By appealing to the one thing we all have in common: we are all poor and needy. The noise of vitriol oppresses and squeezes us into alienated confinement. We are all in desperate need of the merciful spaciousness of God. The only way into this space is through the doorway of weakness. And no one opens that door or drinks this cup if they aren’t able to be honest and vulnerable about their weaknesses.

I’m not saying that everyone needs to get vulnerable on a podcast. I’m saying that I do not know how to develop a public conversation about God without actively de-centering my ego so that you can especially find space for yourself. Inviting you to consider the relationship between contemplative spirituality and justice is to invite you into a posture of need. These are practiced, lived, conscious realities not mere abstract ideas. As we come to a more particular, immediate sense of our need, we will more freely open ourselves to moments of repast, to delight in being present to each other around the table.

Getting Vulnerable w/ Greg Thompson No. 84

In this episode Josh opens up a conversation with Greg Thompson about his book co-authored with Duke Kwon, Reparations: A Christian Call to Repentance & Repair. Yet in the process of attempting to create a conversation about healing the ravages of white supremacy, Josh is confronted with his own personal instability. Does he belong to himself enough to be able to steward for others conversations about healing toward reconciliation? How is it that sharing our weaknesses with each other allows us to belong to each other?

This episode is an introduction to Greg and his movement out of pastoral leadership into Voices Underground, an organization committed to erecting a national monument to the Underground Railroad. Greg describes how his mission that lies at the intersection of the political, contemplative, and convivial led him to go to culinary school open a restaurant and a cocktail bar.

In part II of this conversation, Josh and Greg go more deeply into the meaning and practice of reparations.

Start at @15:00 to skip past the introduction directly to the conversation with Greg.

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Forum on Spiritual Direction Third Conversation w/ Cami Beercroft Mann Part II

Spiritual Direction Can Solve (almost) All of the World's Problems.

Can it?

This is the sedon part of our third conversation as Cami and I continue to unpack this question of spiritual direction. What is it? What’s it for? Is it really so vital? Why?

Cami and I engage in an extended contemplative conversation to discern and tease out the dignifying nature of spiritual direction. This is to say we talk about the practice of spiritual direction by practicing spiritual direction. While our society is one of oppression, pressing down upon and minimizing us, the contemplative space of spiritual direction provides a way for us to rediscover the enormity of each other, the profound dignity of each other.

Other avenues of engaging us in this practice:

We are currently registering for new cohorts of SOP & SOCL to begin at the end of the summer and early fall.
The School of Prayer, a nine-month study and practice of the rule of life.
The School of Contemplative Listening, a two-year certification in spiritual direction.

We are also registering for the August 9-10 Invitation Family Camp, a 24 hour, overnight experience for participants in the Invitation formation schools and friends of the Invitation.

TBA: The Failure Lab, a three-month study and and practice of confession and lamentation.

Partner with us: how can the Invitation serve you, your staff, organization, or community? We value your friendship, prayer, and financial support. One-time or recurring donations can be set up HERE at this link.

Peace of Christ to you!
