Screwing Around With Our Dependencies in Lent No. 92
This episode is a meditation on screwing with our dependencies in Lent.
In the language of the Twelve Steps of addiction recovery: we are powerless over our drug of choice, and our lives as we know them are unmanageable.
The purpose of Lent is to subvert our addictions that we might become more dependent upon the love of God. But we cannot do this easily. We cannot force our way toward healing and holiness. When we over-function and strive toward God, we set ourselves up for regression.
In this episode we turn to the wisdom of Thomas a’Kempis, that we “uproot just one vice per year.” This is to say we must make a plan for Lent that is gracefully approachable.
I encourage you to use the 40 Ways to Spend Five Minutes with God prayer guide for your Lenten practice.
Download a digital copy of the prayer guide
Download a’Kempis The Imitation of Christ chapter 11